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- Date: Mon, 27 Jun 94 02:36 MET DST
- From: chris@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de (Christian Nieber)
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- Subject: Re: Big-Cursor-Block, Dialog Box Proposal
- Precedence: bulk
- Timothy:
- > )Another thing... Couldn't someone put up a preliminary voting system for
- > )things like Control-A or the big cursor block question. If there is a
- clear
- > )majority for one side, which will hopefully support existing standards,
- > )this should settle these annoying discussions and help increase the
- > )signal/noise ratio.
- >
- > Which block-system is used may be beyond the scope of this proposal, but
- > since both systems will be using subsets of the SAME shortcut standard,
- > we should make sure that neither one is disadvantaged in favor of the
- > other or has dangerous shortcuts. In the Big-cursor system Ctrl-A can be
- > dangerous, while in the other, it's merely annoying.
- The block paradigm _does_ make a difference for shortcut. The
- Macintosh/NeXT guidelines are designed for the big-cursor paradigm. When a
- cursor exists simultaneously with a block
- - you need a "hide block" function
- - delete/BS probably can't be used for deleting the block
- - setting block start/end in the menu makes sense
- - so does copy/move to cursor position
- In essence, additional shortcuts are needed that would better be used for
- something else in the big-cursor paradigm.
- Since we want to set standards for other things as well, we should better
- put the big-cursor paradigm in the standard now, since it's well
- established on the ATARI and in all other major GUI's. Those who still want
- to implement the other sort of blocks (damn, isn't there a good name for
- it? ) can make up their own shortcuts.
- There isn't even an established standard for the other sort of block. I
- occasionally have to use old programs that use this (GFABasic, TurboASS,
- Tempus), but everyone has a different set of shortcuts for the block, and
- none of them understands ^X/^C/^V.
- Mark Baker:
- > >> undo Undo last command Edit
- > >> UNDO Redo last command Edit
- > >> Command-undo Multi-level undo Edit
- > >> Command-UNDO Step-wise undo Edit
- > >
- > > I don't see why we need more than two. BTW is there any program on the
- >ATA > RI now that supports multi-level undo?
- > There's a graphics package that does IIRC. Anyway it is a potentially >
- useful
- > feature, so should have a standard shortcut.
- I feel misunderstood. More precisely, apps that only support undo and redo
- can use Undo alternatively for both. Those with multi level-Undo can use
- Undo for step-wise undo and Control or Shift - Undo for Step-wise redo.
- > > too). Hide means hide application, quite like Mag!X does it, i.e. it stays
- > > in memory, may even do calculations and can be brought back to the screen
- > > by doubleclicking its icon again (this is different in Mag!X). Hidden
- > > applica- tions can be recognised by not having the "..." at the bottom of
- > > their icon. But I don't know how to do that in MultiTOS or Mag!X, since
- > > AFAIK neither of them provides a system call for that.
- > What's wrong with just iconifying?
- Doesn't work for MagiC (yet), and the menu bar will stay there.
- Ken:
- > ** Dialog box look and feel proposal **
- > ** Proposal by Ken Hollis of Bitgate Software **
- This is all very nice, but you can't expect every application programmer to
- implement all this. We can't make up for all things ATARI has neglected.
- Since modal non-window dialogs are considered outdated, but there is zero
- support from the system for window dialogs, every professional software
- developer was practically forced to make his own dialog handler, and few
- professional programs use PD libraries.
- If someone made a dialog library (that should of course support modeless
- dialogs) that would aready be better, but I still wouldn't want to adapt
- all my dialog handling, because it's a lot of work, and there is always the
- problem of finding bugs in other people's code. If it can't be part of the
- system, such complex things shouldn't be required by a standard.
- About Revert/Reload/Abandon etc.:
- Apple's Human Interface Guidelines suggest "Revert to Saved"
- Christian (R.O.M. logicware)